Often children are afraid to visit the dentist. Dr. Mirez understands the importance of having a calm dental visit to help your child have the best experience possible. The use of sedation dentistry may be recommended to ensure your child’s safety and comfort during dental procedures. Sedation is a compassionate way to help reduce anxiety and/or discomfort associated with dental treatments. It also helps to increase your child’s cooperation.
Possible Sedation Dentistry Options include:
1. Nitrous Oxide
Some children are given nitrous oxide/oxygen, or what you may know as laughing gas, to relax them for their dental treatment. Nitrous oxide/oxygen is a blend of two gases, oxygen and nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide/oxygen is given through a small breathing mask which is placed over the child’s nose, allowing them to relax, but without putting them to sleep. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, recognizes this technique as a very safe, effective technique to use for treating children’s dental needs. The gas is mild, easily taken, then with normal breathing, it is quickly eliminated from the body. It is non-addictive. While inhaling nitrous oxide/oxygen, your child remains fully conscious and keeps all natural reflexes.
2. Oral conscious sedation
Dr. Corina Ramirez provides oral conscious sedation for children and teenagers, which can help them get through more invasive procedures, such as tooth extraction and filling cavities. With conscious sedation, your child will feel completely calm and relaxed. He/she will be able to breathe normally without the use of any aids, and also respond to specific stimuli.
Different levels of sedation can be achieved with oral conscious sedation, including minimal and moderate suppression, where the child will be able to remember the events of the procedure, as well as deep suppression of consciousness, where the child has no recollection of the procedure.
3. General Anesthesia
Dr. Corina also provides general anesthesia, which is the exact opposite of conscious sedation as the patient will be unconscious during the treatment. This is done together with an anesthesiologist. It is recommended for very young children, apprehensive children, and children with special needs. The sedation causes your child to fall completely asleep. When they awake, the procedure will be complete.
To find out if sedation dentistry is best for your child, please contact our office to schedule an appointment at 909.305.0642.